Shipped from within Ireland

Optimised for laser cutting & Engraving


expert SUPPORT


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High Quality Materials For Laser Cutting and Engraving Projects

Laser materials for all your cutting and engraving projects. Shipped direct to you from our Co. Kildare based warehouse.

proudly supporting Irish Makers

Great products start with great raw materials. We take pride in serving our network of Irish crafts people with the best products.

Laser materials customer Conor Cogan

We've known the team behind Laser Materials for over 6 years and they always provide a quality service and product. Here at Bearded Man Ireland we only work with the best Irish suppliers. The team at Laser Materials have always been great for last minute orders and special requests. We look forward to working with them as they grow their offering.

Conor coogan

Director Bearded Man Ireland Ltd

Why Choose


Our team has been using laser cutting and engraving machines since 2015 and we can guide you with the best choice of materials.

Growing Range

Our range is continually growing, we scour the globe for suitable materials for lasering to save you the time and effort.

Start small and grow

There are no massive minimum order requirements, which means that you don't have to tie up your money in stock. Just order what you need for a particular project and get more as you need it.

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About Laser

After setting up our own laser cutting studio, TechCreate in 2015 we quickly discovered that access to great materials made a huge difference in the quality of the projects we could offer our clients. We are familiar with the struggle of trying to find suppliers that understand small laser cutting businesses. We often had to contend with large minimum orders when we only needed a couple of sheets of material.

We've put all of our experience in to being able to provide you with quality materials, at the right price and quantity you need.